^a mat/ -a pay/ bbin/ chchurch/ ddid/ ^e met/ -e be/ ffig/ g gap/ h hum/ ^i sit/ -i my/ j jam/ k kit / l lip/ m mat/ n no/ ng sing/ ^o lot/ -o no/ oy soy/ ouout/ o^o foot/ o-o loot/ p pan/ r rap/ s sap / shship/ t tap/ th thin/ ^th that/ ^u cut/ v vat/ w with/ y yes/ z zebra/ zj vision/ *eabout, item / 'primary stress/ , secondary stress
Friday, June 29, 2007
bowdlerize /`bou(ō)d.lə.rīz/ …transitive verb: To take obscenities away from a written work; to expurgate. [after Thomas Bowdler]
Anonymous said...
What's it called when you take obscenities away from speech as you write it down?
Whatever it is, I just did it ... when I wrote down what your Mom said at swimming lessons as your brother was sinking.
What's it called when you take obscenities away from speech as you write it down?
Whatever it is, I just did it ... when I wrote down what your Mom said at swimming lessons as your brother was sinking.
Great job kiddo!
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