^a mat/ -a pay/ bbin/ chchurch/ ddid/ ^e met/ -e be/ ffig/ g gap/ h hum/ ^i sit/ -i my/ j jam/ k kit / l lip/ m mat/ n no/ ng sing/ ^o lot/ -o no/ oy soy/ ouout/ o^o foot/ o-o loot/ p pan/ r rap/ s sap / shship/ t tap/ th thin/ ^th that/ ^u cut/ v vat/ w with/ y yes/ z zebra/ zj vision/ *eabout, item / 'primary stress/ , secondary stress
Saturday, July 14, 2007
nychthemeron /nĭk`thĕm.ər.ɑn/ …noun: A period of twenty-four hours, or night and day. [fr. Greek]
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